Thursday, September 6, 2007

all smile

all smile
Originally uploaded by melmok

I realized that I haven’t been blogging lately.
Probably, I’m still recovering from my lost of my dear iBook… my ‘mac mac’

It’s been almost 2 months since I came back from Nihon.
A week after Nihon, before I could recover from one of the most advanced country in Asia, I hopped to another plane.
To Seam Reap….
This trip was planned since January.
Which was my yearly holiday.
Everything there….was not as cheap as I thought.
“1 dollar…… 1 dollar……..”
Is what I’ve been hearing from the little kids from the whole entire trip.

A very huge difference experience from Japan and Seam Reap.

A bunch of children would surround you with shawls, souvenirs and cold drinks after every visit from the temples.
Saying “no thank you’ was our standard answer.
But I gave in a few times at the end cos some of the kids was very persistent…
Following us to our tuk tuk until we were about to ride off.

We were told by our tuk tuk driver not to buy things from the kids.
This would encourage the kids to stop schooling if they think that they can survive by selling or begging from tourists.
It’s sad to see that Khmers lives in such a poor condition. Everyone is doing the same thing to survive. Selling the same stuffs.. talk about competition!

The day before we left, we went to Banteay Srei, which was about 35-45 km away from Angkor Wat. It took us 45 mins to reach Banteay Srei. Along the way, we could see how the Khmers lives. It’s very similar with our kampung style. But the condition was worst.

Being in two difference country, back to back….. made me think that we are blessed.
As an Asian country, we are not the worst in living condition and could be the best in future. :D

Next stop, DUBAI….
